Openness In Adoption
At the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CAST), we work to provide opportunities for birth families to have a role in supporting the ongoing lives of a child or youth through various ways.
Prior to placing a child or youth with an Adoptive family, the birth parents are encouraged to provide us with information about their family, heritage, religion and traditions so that careful consideration occurs when choosing a potential Adoptive family.
The degree of openness a child needs, a birth parent wants, or an Adoptive family can accept, is carefully examined early in the adoption process. If you are considering adopting through CAST, please note that maintaining a level of openness with a child’s birth family will be discussed with you.
Openness between adoptive and birth family members is a common occurrence in many adoptions. This may include birth parents having written correspondence, face-to-face contact or sharing in traditions together with a child or youth and their Adoptive family.
For more information about openness, please refer to the openness resources and ‘Openness & Open-heartedness in Adoption’ webinar recording available through the Adoption Council of Ontario.