Do the following

Upon discovery of fire:

  • Leave the fire area immediately and close doors behind you
  • Sound the fire alarm by pulling the manual pull station
  • Call the Toronto Fire Department at 911
  • Leave the building via the nearest Exit and use Exit stairwells if you are above ground floor
  • Do not use elevators
  • Do not re-enter the building until declared safe by the Chief Fire Official on site

Upon hearing a fire alarm:

If signal is continuous:

  • Leave the building via the nearest Exit, immediately
  • Close doors behind you and take door keys if doors are to be locked behind you
  • Do not use elevators
  • Do not re-enter the building until declared safe by the Chief Fire Official on site

If signal is intermittent:

  • Prepare to leave the building
  • Listen to announcements and instructions


If smoke is heavy in the corridor, it may be safer to stay in your area.

Close doors and place wet towels at the base of the doors.

Notify the Fire Department of your location by calling 911.

If you encounter smoke on the stairway, use an alternate Exit.

And more importantly